How Islam Arrived in Sabah, Malaysia
Islam came to Sabah, Malaysia, through trade and spreading Islamic culture in Southeast Asia. In the 15th century, traders from the Malay Archipelago, especially the Sultanate of Brunei, played a Read more
Islam came to Sabah, Malaysia, through trade and spreading Islamic culture in Southeast Asia. In the 15th century, traders from the Malay Archipelago, especially the Sultanate of Brunei, played a Read more
Rafflesia Flower تعتبر رافليسيا، أكبر زهرة في العالم، واحدة من عجائب الطبيعة التي تأسر قلوب السكان المحليين والسياح على حد سواء، حيث تقع في قلب صباح، بورنيو. يمكن أن تصل Read more
Kelantan has unique and beautiful destinations, perfect for a memorable getaway. Senok Beach One must-visit spot is Senok Beach, often called “Malaysia’s Maldives” due to its clear waters and tall Read more
الحلويات التقليدية في كلنتان: بكو باندان، أكوك، وبيليبات يوبى ستيليو تُعتبر الحلويات التقليدية في كلنتان جزءًا لا يتجزأ من التراث الثقافي الماليزي، حيث تتميز بتنوع نكهاتها ومكوناتها. من بين هذه Read more
Traditional Dress of Kelantan The traditional attire of the legendary Cik siti Wan Kembang a princess who ruled Kelantan in the 17th Century, is highlighted as its main traditional costumes. Read more
No shoes indoorsIf you wear your shoes indoors, what difference is there between your home and the freeway? Wearing shoes indoors is rude, offensive, and just plain dirty. Please don’t Read more
Sebelum kenabian Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, ada beberapa peristiwa penting yang terjadi, baik di Mekah maupun di dunia Arab secara umum. Kehidupan Muhammad Sebelum Kenabian Sebelum diangkat sebagai Nabi, Muhammad Read more
In Malaysia, the celebration of Maulid Nabi (Mawlid al-Nabi) or the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is marked by various traditions and customs that reflect the country’s Islamic heritage Read more
Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir pada 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah di Makkah. Beliau merupakan putera kepada Abdullah bin ‘Abdul Muthalib yang bekerja sebagai pedagang, manakala ibunya bernama Aminah binti Wahb. Read more
Arabic phrases are often used in daily conversations to express greetings, gratitude, respect, and cultural values. Here are some of the most common Arabic phrases: السلام عليكم (As-salāmu ʿalaykum): “Peace Read more