The beautiful schools in Malaysia
Malaysia is home to many beautiful schools that blend modern architecture with the natural beauty of the surrounding environment. Nestled amidst lush greenery, many schools in Malaysia are designed to Read more
Malaysia is home to many beautiful schools that blend modern architecture with the natural beauty of the surrounding environment. Nestled amidst lush greenery, many schools in Malaysia are designed to Read more
The phrase “مِنْ فَضْلِك” (min faḍlik) is commonly used in Arabic to mean “please” or “if you don’t mind.” Here are a few examples in sentences: طلب مساعدة: Arabic: أعطني Read more
أنواع الخطوط العربية يتميز الخط العربي بتعدد أنواعه وتنوع أساليبه، مما يعكس الجمال الفني والثقافي للحضارة العربية ومن أبرز أنواع الخطوط العربية نجد الخط الكوفي: يُعتبر الخط الكوفي من أقدم Read more
Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk ucap “Terima Kasih” dalam Bahasa Arab شُكْراً جَزِيلاً – Terima kasih banyak-banyakجَزَاكَ اللهُ خَيراً – Semoga Allah mengganjarkan kamu kebaikanمُمتَنٌ لَكَ – Saya sangat bersyukur atas Read more
In Arabic, “darling” can be expressed in various ways depending on context and the relationship. Here are four examples: حبيبي (Habibi) – Used for a male. حبيبتي (Habibti) – Read more
In Arabic, “sorry” can be expressed in various ways depending on the context. Here are four examples: آسف (Āsif) – A common way to say “sorry” in general situations. Example: Read more
In collaboration with Menara OBYU Damansara Perdana, we are delighted to be able to spread the importance of learning the Arabic language in Malaysia which we believe will also be Read more
Bahasa Arab diajarkan di sekolah kebangsaan Malaysia sebagai sebahagian daripada kurikulum pendidikan Islam. Mata pelajaran ini penting untuk membantu pelajar memahami Al-Quran dan teks-teks Islam yang lain, memandangkan Bahasa Arab Read more
Mahmoud Darwish (1941–2008) was a renowned Palestinian poet whose works have profoundly influenced Arabic literature and the broader discourse on the Palestinian experience. Born in the village of Al-Birwa, which Read more
A good dictionary possesses several key characteristics that ensure its usefulness and reliability. First and foremost, it should be comprehensive, covering a wide range of words, phrases, and idioms from Read more